After a long journey let the wheel bearings cool for 45 minutes before launching. Immersing hot wheel bearings earlier may create a vacuum as the bearings rapidly cool, this draws in water and washes out the grease from the bearings.
How far the trailer is reversed into the water depends on the gradient of the slipway, the size and weight of boat, and how easy it is to launch from the trailer.
The rear of the boat needs to float so that it can be reversed or pushed off the trailer. Car wheels are best kept well away from sea water.
Tip - Launching with a rope between the vehicle and trailer can be useful to keep the tow vehicle’s wheels clear of the lower slippery part of the slipway and water.
To avoid the boat sliding off the trailer when backing down the slipway; ensure the winch strap remains attached to the boat along with an additional safety chain or line between the boat and trailer.